Thursday, February 21, 2013



“Generations” is a father and son acoustic guitar duo. They now are performing in Phoenix Arizona.

Mike plays in a duo in Minnesota dating back to the mid 70’s when he was in college. In 2003 after taking 25 years off to raise families the duo got back together and is still going strong.

Patrick, while in college picked up the guitar and harmonica and started to play. He now lives and plays as a soloist in AZ. When he returns to Minnesota to take a break from the Arizona summer heat, he joins his father on stage.

The newly formed father and son duo plays a combination of classic rock covers by artists such as the Eagles, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Tom Petty, Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan and other current artists like Mumford & Sons, Dave Matthews, Coheed & Cambria and some original songs.

Back in the 70’s, Mike never imagined that someday he would be sitting next his son and enjoying a moment on stage. Another special treat is that occasionally, Mike’s daughter (Patrick’s sister) will also join them to sing a song or two.


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